OctoPrint Setup With OctoPi & A Camera – A Step-By-Step Guide

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This step-by-step guide will cover how to set up OctoPrint using OctoPi, how to set up OctoPrint to connect to your WiFi, and how to set up and use a webcam with OctoPrint. It might sound like a daunting task, but it’s really quite simple! Let’s get started!



  • Micro SD card (recommended 32GB minimum)
  • USB micro SD card reader
  • Raspberry Pi 3B minimum, using a Raspberry Pi 4 or Pi 6 will be faster
  • Raspberry Pi power supply 3A
  • USB cable to connect your printer motherboard
  • Supported motherboard with firmware that supports Octoprint
  • Any USB webcam, RaspiCam, ArduCam, or an old cell phone

Flash SD card with OctoPi

For this step, you’ll need your microSD card, the USB micro SD card reader, a Raspberry Pi, and a power supply. There are some alternate, cheaper ways to supply a Raspberry Pi. Still, I really recommend going with a certified 3A power supply, as it can highly impact your print quality if you have inconsistent power.

Start by downloading and installing the Raspberry Pi Imager. The Raspberry Pi image is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux:

Click here to download the Raspberry PI Imager

SD card reader

Once the imager is installed, run the app and insert your SD card reader into your computer, then follow these steps:

Choose the OctoPi OS

Follow the images below to select the OctoPi operating system in the Raspberry Pi Imager.

Raspberry Pi Imager Step 1

Choose Storage To Write OctoPi

Configure The OctoPi Installation

Setup OctoPi’s WiFi Connection

customPrinter is where you want to put your printer’s name. This is the URL address you will use to connect to OctoPrint from your computer or phone. If you only have one printer, most users choose “octopi” as the default hostname.

Once you set the hostname, scroll down to “Configure wireless LAN“. Check the box and enter your home WiFi network name as the “SSID” and your WiFi password in the “Password” fields.

Set OctoPi username and password

The username and password will be useful if you want to use SSH terminal commands on the Raspberry Pi to modify the OS. Choose wisely and note them somewhere.

Note that the username must be “pi” or OctoPrint will have trouble running.

Write OctoPi To The SD Card

Remove SD Card From Computer

Connect Raspberry Pi to Your 3D Printer

Insert the MicroSD card into the Raspberry Pi, as seen in the image below.

Connect the USB cable to the printer motherboard, then power on everything.

Before you power up your Raspberry Pi, if you’re using a USB webcam or the Raspberry Pi Cam, plug it into any of the USB slots or the Raspberry PI Cam headers.

Setup OctoPrint

Now it’s time to log in to your newly installed OctoPrint and configure it to get started.

You will use whatever hostname you assigned to OctoPi when you set it up using the steps above. The default is “octopi,” but if you choose something different, use that.

The OctoPi URL will look like “http://<hostname>.local” an example would be “http://octopi.local&#8221;

Enter your OctoPi hostname into your browser’s URL box to access OctoPrint.

You’ll get a screen like the image below, press “Next” two times. Skip the backup part.

Next, set up your desired username and password for OctoPrint. This can be the same or different from the username and password you used for the device.

Configure the connectivity check in OctoPrint. You can choose whether you want OctoPrint to check for an internet connection.

Next, choose if you want to share anonymous usage and crash information with the OctoPrint developers. this helps the developers find and fix bugs and crashes.

Choose if you want to use the plugin list. We recommend, yes, to keep your OctoPrint safe and secure.

For the class webcam wizard, you can keep the default values.

For any OctoPrint or OctoPi setup using a USB or Raspberry Pi Cam, there’s no need to change from the default values.

You can enter the device’s IP and URL information if your webcam is a separate device or cell phone camera.

Next, set up your printer profile with your specific printer technical specs

Press Finish

You’re done! Now you can connect to your printer with the default connection setting of OctoPrint, it should work and bring your printer online!

There is a whole world to discover in OctoPrint with all the plugins and feature that are available. The online information is widely available and the community support is awesome!

See this post to learn more about 3D printing Discord channels

Install OctoEverywhere

OctoEverywhere is a maker community project that enables free & unlimited OctoPrint remote access, AI print failure detection, print notifications, live streaming, and more. It’s an essential plugin for any OctoPrint setup, and it’s free!

To setup OctoEverywhere, you just need to install the OctoPrint plugin and link your account. To install the plugin go to the OctoPrint settings, Plugin Manager, and search for OctoEverywhere:

When it’s done, you need to perform the suggested reboot of the Raspberry Pi to complete the installation.

The next time you log on to OctoPrint, you’ll then see this screen pop up to complete the setup with OctoEverywhere:

Follow the simple steps that will prompt you to create an OctoEverywhere account and connect your printer.

You’re ready; you now have free remote access, AI print failure detection, and more!

Happy printing


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